Stephen P. Compton, B.A., M.A. has combined lessons learned from his 40 plus years working in the business of Profit, Non-Profits, and Government Agencies in three states. He has worked in these agencies as a line employee, supervisor/manager, treasurer to Police Commander and as a City Manager. As an Executive Administrator, his expertise is the result of knowledge gained from the successes, mistakes, and observations throughout his accomplished career.
In the current economic environment, it is critical that entities devise means for assuring “best practices” and the most effective allocation of scarce resources.
Through the use of strategic "Associates", We strive to assure the development of meaningful management information with a focus on successful implementation. Our services cover a full range of social funding research/Lobbyist, operational, human resource and financial consulting including the following service offerings:
Mr. Compton is the founder of Stephen P. Compton & Associates, a consultancy / public relations firm dedicated to helping agencies build great practices.
He serves solo-practice business, assists with startups, and small but growing service groups by providing:
Strategic planning and leadership retreat facilitation.
Systems evaluation and implementation.
Accounts Receivable and Insurance contract review.
Staffing and key employee recruitment.
Coaching the leadership on management issues.
SPC & Associates has built an incredible team of highly competent and proven professionals to serve where needed in assisting in the growth and development of practices.
Your ability to succeed is directly proportional to the resources you have available and your willingness to use them. Contact SPC & Associates to learn how we may help you.
Grant Fundraising Research, Application, Monitoring
Search for funding through local, state and federal agency grants.
Obtain support positions, make applications and manage Grant reporting.
Financial, Information System, Feasibility Studies
Accounting. cost-benefit analysis, long-term operating and capital budgets, including regional consolidation/joint services in government agencies, privatization analysis. Information system analysis.
Personnel Services
Classification and Compensation Systems - develop internal and external pay parity (Ability to pay)
Labor Relations Technical Support - including issues analysis, development of videos, photos, exhibits.
Organizational and Operational Review - both organization-wide and for particular departments
manpower and shift scheduling analysis and capital budgeting.
Economic Development Projects
Commercial Projects: Museum, Water Parks, Hotels and Affordable Housing Project developments (New Market Tax Credits), Traffic Impact Studies.
Legislative Advocacy Management (Added in 2019)
Search for funding through local, state and federal agency. Monitor legislation, Construct position legislation, seek sponsorship of changes in laws at Federal, state and local legislation to drive agency protection through legislation.
- 81321 - Grantmaking and Giving Services
- 541820 – Public Relations Agencies
Legislative Advocacy services
Political consulting services
Public relations agencies, Public relations consulting services
-56131 - Employment agencies
Executive placement services, Executive search services